2201. | Invitation of applications for job of Hospital Administrator, RHSDP | | |
2202. | Expression of Interest for Tribal Evaluation, RHSDP | | |
2203. | Revised tender notice of Rate Contract for Printing of Registers & Forms, RCH | | |
2204. | Revised tender notice of Rate Contract for hiring taxi car | | |
2205. | Invitation of applications for job of Consultant Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) Analyst | | |
2206. | Extension of invitations of bids for RASHTRIYA SWASTHYA BIMA YOJNA under RHSDP | | |
2207. | Invitations of Expressions of Interest from Private Hospitals/ Private Medical Colleges for managing MOBILE MEDICAL SERVICES in outreach areas of Rajasthan | | |
2208. | Revised invitations of bids for RASHTRIYA SWASTHYA BIMA YOJNA under RHSDP | | |
2209. | Invitations of applications for job of Consultant on contract basis under RHSDP | | |
2210. | Draft Rules for Enlistment of Bidder (For SPO) (Manufacturer/Importer)s /Suppliers in Directorate(Public Health) of Medical & Health Services, Rajasthan, Jaipur | | |
2211. | Social marketing of contraceptive | | |
2212. | Invitation for hiring of Consultancy Services for upgradation/ renovation/ extension/ new construction for health facilities | | |
2213. | Medical Mobile Unit | | |
2214. | Tender for Notice Board on Sun Board | | |
2215 | Empanelment Data Form for New NGOs/CBOs | | |