Hon'ble Chief Minister

श्री भजनलाल शर्मा

माननीय मुख्यमंत्री

Hon'ble Health Minister

श्री गजेन्द्र सिंह

माननीय चि. एवं स्वा. मंत्री

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S.No. Tender File Remark
2151. ADDENDUM No. 2(Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
1. ADDENDUM No. 2(Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
2152. Annexure-3(Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
1. Annexure-3(Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
2153. Annexure-2(Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
1. Annexure-2(Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
2154. Annexure-1 (Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
1. Annexure-1 (Emergency Response Services September- 2009.)
2155. ADDENDUM No. 1 : For RFP for Emergency Response Services (Sept-09) vide no. F.1(102)NRHM/Accts/2008/4837 dated 29.10.2009
1. ADDENDUM No. 1 : For RFP for Emergency Response Services (Sept-09) vide no. F.1(102)NRHM/Accts/2008/4837 dated 29.10.2009
2156. Document of Request for Proposal (RFP) for Emergency Response Services September- 2009.
1. Document of Request for Proposal (RFP) for Emergency Response Services September- 2009.
2157. Notice Inviting Request For Proposal (RFP) to Operate a professionally Managed Emergency Response and Transportation System.
1. Notice Inviting Request For Proposal (RFP) to Operate a professionally Managed Emergency Response and Transportation System.
2158. Advertisement for Expressions of Interest for Managing Urban RCH Centers in Slum Areas.
1. Advertisement for Expressions of Interest for Managing Urban RCH Centers in Slum Areas.
2159. Corrigendum dt. 15.09.09
1. Corrigendum dt. 15.09.09
2160. Tender form for Supply and installation of various Blood Bank Equipments.
1. Tender form for Supply and installation of various Blood Bank Equipments.
2161. Corrigendum dated15.09.09 for Tender form for Supply and Installation of Blood Bank Refrigerators.
1. Corrigendum dated15.09.09 for Tender form for Supply and Installation of Blood Bank Refrigerators.
2162. Tender form for Supply and Installation of Blood Bank Refrigerators.
1. Tender form for Supply and Installation of Blood Bank Refrigerators.
2163. निविदा सूचना 2 - राजस्‍थान के राज्‍यपाल की और से विभिन्‍न स्‍थानों पर एनआरएचएम योजना के अन्‍तर्गत विभिन्‍न कार्यों के लिये उपयुक्‍त श्रेणी में पंजीकृत संवेदकों से निर्धारित प्रपत्र में सीलबन्‍ध लिफाफों में निविदायें हेतु।
1. निविदा सूचना 2 - राजस्‍थान के राज्‍यपाल की और से विभिन्‍न स्‍थानों पर एनआरएचएम योजना के अन्‍तर्गत विभिन्‍न कार्यों के लिये उपयुक्‍त श्रेणी में पंजीकृत संवेदकों से निर्धारित प्रपत्र में सीलबन्‍ध लिफाफों में निविदायें हेतु।
2164. निविदा सूचना - लेखन सामग्री आपूति हेतु निविदा प्रपत्र (एक वर्ष हेतु)    
1. निविदा सूचना - लेखन सामग्री आपूति हेतु निविदा प्रपत्र (एक वर्ष हेतु)    
2165. वाहन किराये पर लेने हेतु निविदा सूचना।  
1. वाहन किराये पर लेने हेतु निविदा सूचना।  
2166. सफाई ठेके की निविदा सूचना  
1. सफाई ठेके की निविदा सूचना  
2167. निविदा सूचना में संशोधन(राजिस्‍टर एवं प्रपत्र मुद्रण कार्य (2009-10)
1. निविदा सूचना में संशोधन(राजिस्‍टर एवं प्रपत्र मुद्रण कार्य (2009-10)
2168. राजिस्‍टर एवं प्रपत्र मुद्रण कार्य (2009-10) निविदा अवधि बढाने की सूचना - ( 07.07.09)   
1. राजिस्‍टर एवं प्रपत्र मुद्रण कार्य (2009-10) निविदा अवधि बढाने की सूचना - ( 07.07.09)   
2169. राजिस्‍टर एवं प्रपत्र मुद्रण कार्य (2009-10) निविदा सूचना    
1. राजिस्‍टर एवं प्रपत्र मुद्रण कार्य (2009-10) निविदा सूचना    
2170. राजकीय प्रयोजनार्थ वर्ष 2009-2010 के लिये विभिन्‍न कार्यो हेतु एक खुली निविदा सूचना
1. राजकीय प्रयोजनार्थ वर्ष 2009-2010 के लिये विभिन्‍न कार्यो हेतु एक खुली निविदा सूचना
2171. राज्‍य के राजकीय चिकित्‍सालयों में भर्ती रोगियों के लिए वित्‍तीय वर्ष 2009-10 की अवधि के दौरान खाघ सामग्री आदि की आपूर्ति हेतु निविदा।
1. राज्‍य के राजकीय चिकित्‍सालयों में भर्ती रोगियों के लिए वित्‍तीय वर्ष 2009-10 की अवधि के दौरान खाघ सामग्री आदि की आपूर्ति हेतु निविदा।
2172. Tender for Supply of HIV Test kits under National Shopping Procedure.
1. Tender for Supply of HIV Test kits under National Shopping Procedure.
2173. Tender for Alphacypermethrin WDP 5 %
1. Tender for Alphacypermethrin WDP 5 %
2174. Tender for supply and installation of Blood Bank Refrigerators
1. Tender for supply and installation of Blood Bank Refrigerators
2175. Letter of Expression Computer Trainings for medical and paramedical staff
1. Letter of Expression Computer Trainings for medical and paramedical staff
2176. Tender for Consultant Health Economist/Consultant Equipment & Maintenance/Consultant Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) Analyst/Consultant Technical Assistant Studies/Consultent Technical Assistant IEC
1. Tender for Consultant Health Economist/Consultant Equipment & Maintenance/Consultant Hospital Management Information System (HMIS) Analyst/Consultant Technical Assistant Studies/Consultent Technical Assistant IEC
2177. Tender for San Board
1. Tender for San Board
2178. Tender for Hoarding
1. Tender for Hoarding
2179. Tender for Printing
1. Tender for Printing
2180. Tender form for Personal Assistance & Stenographer
1. Tender form for Personal Assistance & Stenographer
2181. Tender/Bid Document for supply and installation of various Blood Bank equipments under NCB (RSACS)
1. Tender/Bid Document for supply and installation of various Blood Bank equipments under NCB (RSACS)
2182. NIT for Peon under RHSDP
1. NIT for Peon under RHSDP
2183. NIT for Data Entry Operator under RHSDP
1. NIT for Data Entry Operator under RHSDP
2184. NIT for AUTO-CAD operator under RHSDP
1. NIT for AUTO-CAD operator under RHSDP
2185. Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) - To undertake a study titled "Strengthening Programme Management Units (PMUs) in Rajasthan for Effective Programme Implementation and Meeting NRHM Goals"
1. Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) - To undertake a study titled "Strengthening Programme Management Units (PMUs) in Rajasthan for Effective Programme Implementation and Meeting NRHM Goals"
2186. Expression of Interest from Eligible consulting organization to conduct inpact evaluation of HCWM implementation
1. Expression of Interest from Eligible consulting organization to conduct inpact evaluation of HCWM implementation
2187. Expression of Interest from Eligible IEC Agencies/Organizations to develop and implement an effective communication strategy in selected facilities of 6 tribal and 3 desert districts of Rajasthan under RHSDP
1. Expression of Interest from Eligible IEC Agencies/Organizations to develop and implement an effective communication strategy in selected facilities of 6 tribal and 3 desert districts of Rajasthan under RHSDP
2188. Letter of Intent from Non Government Voluntary Health Organisations for deploying Multi Purpose Worker (MPWs) in high risk areas for Vector Borne Diseases
1. Letter of Intent from Non Government Voluntary Health Organisations for deploying Multi Purpose Worker (MPWs) in high risk areas for Vector Borne Diseases
2189. Expressions of Interest for managing Mobile Medical Services in outreach areas of Rajasthan
1. Expressions of Interest for managing Mobile Medical Services in outreach areas of Rajasthan
2190. CORRIGENDUM for managing Mobile Medical Services in outreach areas of Rajasthan
1. CORRIGENDUM for managing Mobile Medical Services in outreach areas of Rajasthan
2191. Extension of NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
1. Extension of NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
2192. Minutes of Pre Bid Meeting for Swasthya Bima Yojna
1. Minutes of Pre Bid Meeting for Swasthya Bima Yojna
2193. Expressions of Interest for managing Mobile Medical Services in outreach areas of Rajasthan
1. Expressions of Interest for managing Mobile Medical Services in outreach areas of Rajasthan
2194. NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
1. NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
2195. CORRIGENDUM for NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
1. CORRIGENDUM for NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
2196. NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
1. NIT for Health Insurance for BPL families under Swasthya Bima Yojna
2197. Expression of Interest for 6 Beded ICU at District Hospital Karuli, Swai Madhopur, Jaisalmar, Jalore, Sirohi, Pratapgarh, Chittorgarh, Dausa, Didwana (Nagaur) and 2 CHC Community Health Center's at Karwar and Sumergang, District Bundi on PPP Model.
1. Expression of Interest for 6 Beded ICU at District Hospital Karuli, Swai Madhopur, Jaisalmar, Jalore, Sirohi, Pratapgarh, Chittorgarh, Dausa, Didwana (Nagaur) and 2 CHC Community Health Center's at Karwar and Sumergang, District Bundi on PPP Model.
2198. Expression of Interest for Consultant Bio-Medical Engineer, Health Economist, Technical Assistant HR and Training, RHSDP
1. Expression of Interest for Consultant Bio-Medical Engineer, Health Economist, Technical Assistant HR and Training, RHSDP
2199. Expression of Interest for Consultant Services (HEALTH CARE WASTE MANAGEMENT)
1. Expression of Interest for Consultant Services (HEALTH CARE WASTE MANAGEMENT)
2200Expression of Interest for Developing and Implementing a system of Emergency Response Services under "DHANVANTARI YOJNA", RHSDP
1. Expression of Interest for Developing and Implementing a system of Emergency Response Services under "DHANVANTARI YOJNA", RHSDP