Pre conception and Pre Natal Diagnostic Techniques
(Prohibition of Sex selection) Act -1994
Daughters are Precious Campaign ........................................................................................................Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Speech of Hon'ble Prime Minister on Independence Day (15th Aug., 14) regarding ''Save the Girl Child'' |
PCPNDT Act English |
PCPNDT Act Hindi Part -1 & Part - 2
Advisory Committee Rules, 1996 |
List of implementing agencies
- Multi Member State Appropriate Authority
- State Nodal Officer
- State/District Nodal Officer
- State PCPNDT Cell
Notifications under PCPNDT |
- State Supervisiory Board Dated 01/07/03, 19/11/07, 04/03/09, 01/04/11, 29/11/12 , 03/09/14 , 23/04/15, 25/05/15, 11/09/15, 20/12/2016, 24/07/2019, 15/09/2019, 02/12/2019, 22/03/2022,
- Chairman, State Appropriate Authority Dated 25/07/01; 11/09/08, 15/01/10, 13/03/12, 03/09/14, 02/02/17, 09/01/2019 24/07/2019, 30/06/2021, 17.02.2022, 11.11.2022
- Member of State Appropriate Authority Dated 01/07/03, 02/12/06, --19/11/07, 21/09/10, 31/01/13, 10/04/14, 28/10/14, 28/12/15, 06/06/16, 12/09/2018, 20/112018,
- Advisory Committee, 25/07/2001, 31/07/2012, 16/07/2015 , 15/09/2019
- District/Sub District Advisory Committee,16/06/01, 17/01/02 Part-1 , 17/01/02 Part-2, (District) 23/04/2015, (Sub-Division)23/04/2015, 05/12/2016 Part-1, 05/12/2016 Part-2, 28/06/2022
- District Appropriate Authority
- District/Sub District Appropriate Authority Dated-16/06/01, 28/08/08, 10/08/09, 05/01/12, 23/04/15, 09.03.2022,
- Other Notification/Orders Dated 10/01/12, 01/06/12, 20/09/12, 17/09/12 , 22/09/2015 17/11/2015
- The Gazette Notification of India Dated 02/06/11, 09/02/12, 04/06/12, 31/01/14, 09/01/14, 24/02/14 (Model Code of Conduct for Appropriate Authoroties), 28/01/15, 23/05/17(Gazette regarding stse appellate Authority Under Section 21), 19/06/17, 06/09/2017, 155 dt 07/04/2020, 165 dt 21.04.2020, 26/06/2020, 31/03/2021,
- The Gazette Notification of Rajasthan Dated 25/09/10, 14/06/11, 10/04/14,
- Institution recognized for conducting the six months Training Titled''The Fundamentals in Abdomino-pelvic Ultrasonography''
- परिपत्र:- The Fundamentals in Abdomino-Pelvic Ultrasonography क्रमांक:-3456 दिनांक 25.08.2015
- Notification as Amendment notification dated 03/09/2014
- Minutes of the meeting of State Supervisory Board dated 08.10.2014, Ref. no. 976 dated 10.10.2014
- कार्यवाही विवरण बेटी बचाओं अभियान प्रकोष्ठ की प्रथम बैठक दिनांक 02.01.2015 ।
- कार्यवाही विवरण बेटी बचाओं अभियान प्रकोष्ठ की प्रथम बैठक दिनांक 15.01.15.क्रमांक राज्य पीसीपीएनडीटी प्रकोष्ठ/एल.ए./15/81 दिनांक :-30.01.15
- 16.02.2015 को समीक्षा बैठक कार्यवाही विवरण:- क्रमांक:-राज्य पीसीपीएनडीटी प्रकोष्ठ/2015/425 दिनांक 01.04.2015
- राज्य पर्यवेक्षण बोर्ड, पीसीपीएनडीटी बैठक का कार्यवाही विवरण:- क्रमांक:-राज्य पीसीनीएनडीटी प्रकोष्ठ/F-133 Part-III/SSB/15/590 दिनांक 21.05.15, 1318 दिनांक 29.10.2015 332 दिनांक 11.03.2016, 730 दिनांक 30/06/16, 997 दिनांक 19/10/16 98 दिनांक 16/02/17 394 dt13/07/17 636 dt18/10/17, 138 dt09/02/18, 547 dt02/07/18, 828 dt 18/10/18, 110 dt 15/02/19, 348 dt 28/05/19 783 dt 02.12.2019, 23 dt 15.01.2021, 433 dt 13.08.2021, 50 dt 01.02.2022, 558 dt 26.05.2022, 792 dt 11.11.2022,
- Decisions taken in 22nd Meeting of the Central Supervisory Board (CSB) Held on 13th Oct. 2014 inder the Chairmanship of Hon'ble minister of health & FW. Dt. 12.05.2015,
- भारत सरकार द्धारा केन्द्रीय पर्यवेक्षण बोर्ड में लिये गये निर्णयों की अनुपालना बाबत। क्रमांक:-652 दिनांक 29.05.2015
- रेडियोलाजी विषयक के चिकित्सक शिक्षकों को निजी प्रेक्टिस करने की अनुमति दिये जाने बाबत। क्रमांक:-प.1(9)एम.ई/ग्रुप-1/15 दिनांक 16/04/15
- ''बेटी बचाओ अभियान'' प्रकोष्ठ के बैठक कार्यवाही विवरण :- (Letter no. 895 Dt. 21.07.2015, 401 Dt. 21.03.2016,
- (A) Minutes of 23rd Meeting of the Central Supervisory Board, Held on 24th June 2015 at Committee Room 2nd Floor 'A' Wing Nirman Bhawan New Delhi.,
(B)Minutes of 25th Meeting of the Central Supervisory Board, Held on 05th Jan., 2017 at Committee Room 2nd Floor 'A' Wing Nirman Bhawan New Delhi.
- डिकॉय ऑपरेशन हेतु मार्गदर्शिका बाबत। क्रमांक:-एफ36(165)पीसीनीएनडीटी/स्वा.प्रब/डिकाय/2015/1041 दिनांक 03.09.2015
- Regional Workhop of the District Appropriate Authorities of the Border Districts of Rajashtna on effective Implementation of PCPNDT Act. Reg. 1135 dt 24.09.2015
- Quarterly report (3rd) 1319 td 29.10.2015
- संशोधित आदेश:- क्रमांक:-रा.पी.प्र./2015/42 दिनांक 06/01/2016
- Use of Ultra sound equipment by paediatricians for echo-cardopgram at DEIC to detect Congenital Heart Diseases among children Under RBSK. Letter no 92 dt 19.01.2016
- सोनोग्राफी किये जोन से पूर्व गर्भवती महिला को पहचान पत्र लिये जाने बाबत दिशा निदेशा। क्रमांक:- 415 दिनांक 29/03/2016
- Regarding Active tracker of Sonography Machine. Letter no 541 dt 04.05.2016
- राज्य स्तरीय दल के ठहरने एवं खाने की व्यवस्था के संसबंध में। क्रमांक:-1131 दिनांक 02/12/2016
- डिकॉय कार्यवाहियों में खर्चो के भुगतान संबंधी दिशा निर्देश। क्रमांक:-409 दिनांक 18/07/2017
- भारत सरकार द्धारा केन्द्रीय पर्यवेक्षण बोर्ड में लिये गये निर्णयों को अनुपालना बाबत। क्रमांक:- 564 दिनांक 05/07/2018
- रेडियकोलोजिस्ट पीजी डिग्री /डिप्लोमाधारी चिकित्सकों को निजी प्रेशर करने की अनुमति दिये जाने बाबत1 क्रमांक:- 25 दिनांक 08/01/16
- पीसीपीएनडीटी मोबाइल एप के माध्यम से सूचनाए दर्ज करने हेतु दिशा निर्देश बाबत। क्रमांक:- 14 दिनांक 07/01/2021
- पीसीपीएनडीटी अधिकनयम 1994 के अतंगर्त रजिस्ट्रेशन व नवीनीकरण की प्रक्रिया ऑनलाईन के संबध में दिशा निर्देश। क्रमांक:- 213 दिनांक 31/03/2021.
- Regarding Guideline for registration for MRI centres. Letter no 540 dt 01.10.2021
- सोनोग्राफी किये जोन से पूर्व गर्भवती महिला को पहचान पत्र के संबंध में संशोधित दिशा निदेशा। क्रमांक:- 789 दिनांक 11/11/2022
Circular |
- Circular no 01/2010 Letter no 199 dt 21.05.2010
- Circular no 02/2010 Letter no 219 dt 11.06.2010
- Circular no 03/2010 Letter no 347 dt 20.08.2010
- Circular no 04/2010 Letter no 348 dt 20.08.2010
- Circular no 05/2010 Letter no 349 dt 20.08.2010
- Circular no 06/2010 Letter no 360 dt 08.09.2010
- Circular no 07/2010 Letter no 460 dt 25.11.2010
- Circular no 08/2010 Letter no 461 dt 25.11.2010
- Circular no 09/2010 Letter no 462 dt 25.11.2010
- Circular no 10/2010 Letter no 463 dt 25.11.2010
- Circular no 11/2010 Letter no 523 dt 07.12.2010
- Circular no 12/2011 Letter no 2793 dt 02.12.2011
- Circular no 13/2011 Letter no 2888 dt 21.12.2011
- Circular no 14/2012 Letter no 198 dt 15.02.2012
- Circular no 15/2012 Letter no 199 dt 15.02.2012
- Circular no 16/2012 Letter no 481 dt 20.04.2012
- Circular no 17/2012 Letter no 482 dt 20.04.2012
- Circular no 18/2015 Letter no 809 dt 01.07.2015
- Circular no 19/2016 Letter no 1021 dt 28.10.2016
- Circular no 20/2017 Letter no 156 dt 09.03.2017
- Circular no 21/2023 Letter no 184 dt 03.05.2023
Hand Book for PCPNDT |
Miscellaneous |
मुखबिर योजना हेतु दिशा निर्देश (1062 Dt 30.07.2012, 410 dt 31.03.2015 250 dt 26.04.2017, 370 dt 06.07.2021,)
अजन्मी बेटी का खत मॉ के नाम
क्या आपके पास 5 मिनट है।
Technical Specification and Guidelines for the Tracking Devices
Guidelines and specifications for the GPS to be attached with ultrasound sonography machine. 2659 dt 22.09.15
Amendment in the guidelines and specifications for the GPS to be attached with ultrasound sonography machine. No.32(99)/ NRHM/CSR/ PCPNDT/Part-4/2722 dt 20.11.2015
Guidelines for the registration of importers, manufacturers, retailers, distributors, Dealers etc. 222 dt 20.03.2018
Form of application for registration of manufacturers importers retailers distributors, dealer, etc
Forms and Formats under PCPNDT Act |
Right to Information |
Other MCI, MTP, Biomedical Waste |
Chief Justice of India speech on F.F. at Patiala |
Court Decision- Bombay High Court |
Bombay High Court Judgement Dated 06th June, 2011 |
Kolhapur-Judgement Dated 26th August, 2011 |
Order:-Writ Petition (Civil) No 349 Of 2006 Dated 04 March 2012 |
Status of Court Cases |
- Important Judgments related with PC& PNDT Act.
- Dr.M.P.Goyal S/o Shri S.L.Goyal (Radiologist M.D.Radio Diagnosis) Versus Secretary of UOI, Secretary of MCOI and PS of MH&FW, GoR
- Dr. Yogesh Kumar S/o Shri Bharatlal Versus State of Rajasthan
- Dr Manju Rathi W/o Dr Sanjya Rathi, Versus State of Rajasthan (S.B Cr Misc Petition No. 376/2012)
- S.K.Gupta S/o Shri Purshottam Lal Gupta Versus Union of India (D.B.public interest litigation No 3270/2012)
- Dr. (Smt) Tej Sharma, Sharma Nursing Home Hanumangarh Junction Tehsil Versus State of Rajasthan (S.B. Cr. Misc Prtition no 1604/12)
- Petitin for Special Leave to Appeal (Crl.) No. (s). 5800/2013
- (Arising out of impugned final judgment and order dated 09/05/2013 in CRLMP No. 525/2013 passed by the High Court of Rajasthan at Jodhpur) State of RAJASTHAN & ANR. Petitioner (s) VERSUS PRAMOD BEDI.
- Directions of Govt. of India Regarding Judgements/order of the Hon'ble Courts. Letter no 723 dt 29.06.2016
- Compliance of order dated 13.04.2017 passed by Hon'ble Supreme court in writ in Writ Prtiton no 341 of 2008 Dr. Sabu Methew Gorge Vs Union of India & Ors.
- S.B. Crinubal Misc (Pet.)No. 1439/2017 order dated 11.05.2017 Passed by Hon'ble Rajashtan High Court Jodhpur
- S.B. Crinubal Misc (Pet.)No. 3050/2017 Dr.J.B.Sompura, Gayatri Maternity and Nursing Home, Upasana, Complex, Modasa Gujrat, by Hon'ble Rajashtan High Court Jodhpur
- Dr. Pramod Bedi Vs State of Rajasthan (S.B.Civil Writ Petition No.5858/2015) {PCPNDT Rule, 1996 Rule 18-A 4 (ii)
- State of Rajasthan Vs Dr Vijay Gupta & other (S.B.Civil Writ review Petition No.99/2014) {PCPNDT Rule, 1994 Section 20 & 28.
- Saniay Singh Vs State of Rajasthan (S.B.Criminal Bali No 3895/2018) {PBI FIR No. 12/2018}
List of requirements |
1. Decentralisation of PNDT-NGO Scheme |
PCPNDT Workshop & Survey Report |
For any complaints and suggestions, please e-mail: pcpndt-rj[at]nic[dot]in
Website : pndt.gov.in
Contact No. - 0141-2222422/ 2221812